Rescue Me! American Staffordshire Terrier American Staffordshire Terrier Blog

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 36,628 American Staffordshire Terrier Dogs have been adopted!   Email Me New  Postings

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Success Stories:   Rescue Me! American Staffordshire Terrier Blog

1,343,124 animals have been adopted on Rescue Me!

Letters below were sent to founder Jeff Gold from people helped by Rescue Me!

Sender: Cynthia Ugarte     Date: October 11, 2018 _
     We posted Coco and got responses from New York to California. She finally found a home just 25 minutes from her home. She is a service dog and the new mama needed that. So happy for our niece Coco who is able to continue her work helping people. I know my brother and sister in law in heaven are smiling down on Coco and her new mom. Thank you, Rescue Me, for your help getting the word out.

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to American Staffordshire Terrier Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Susan Demetry     Date: October 2, 2018 _
     This is the second dog I have gotten through Rescue Me. The first was a Pomeranian, which is still with me, and now Porkchop, an Amstaff Pitbull. Both are great dogs. So please, if anyone is looking for a new dog, adopt, don't shop. Thanks again to Rescue Me!

Sender: Natalie Privette     Date: August 15, 2018 _
     MJ was adopted by today by a loving and caring couple. MJ was so excited to go to her new home with her new parents. Thank you Rescue Me for helping MJ finding a new home and give her a chance to be apart of another happy family.

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to American Staffordshire Terrier Rescue

Sender: Janice Macrossin     Date: April 25, 2018 _
     Bobo was finally adopted after a LONG search for the perfect pet parent. He found her today! She is enamored of him and I think this will be a lifelong friendship. Thank you, Rescue Me!

Sender: John Naden     Date: April 21, 2018 _
     I had five inquiries regarding Sky since her post. She was adopted to a loving family. Thank you, Rescue Me!

Like this story? Help us help more animals: Donate to American Staffordshire Terrier Rescue

Sender: Janine Love     Date: April 20, 2018 _
     We had a wonderful couple who had just lost their 13 year old dog due to an illness. They came to look at one of our other dogs who we had out waiting for them. We're not sure if it was because they came in on a motorcycle or what it was, but this one dog did not take to them at all, and she let it be known. As we were talking, I stated that the dog normally picks the owner. I also mentioned that we had another girl on site that was the sweetest girl as well, and a true love. I brought her out, and the attraction was immediate. Tons and tons of kisses, and just a total love connection was made. This girl had a hard start at life, but is now in a wonderful home being treated like a Queen. Thank you, Rescue Me!

Sender: Tovar Family     Date: April 13, 2018 _
     Luna is a true survival dog. She was rescued, thanks to this wonderful site. Luna as many of American Staffordshire Terrier are in danger due to ignorance about the breed. Our family lives in Aurora and there's Ordinance Sec. 14-75 that makes Luna and her kind look like vicious dogs. Is not her breed, they have to worry about, but the owner. Luna was raised with a loving family that taught her to be kind, playful, loving, etc. She was part of our pack; we were a family. A happy family, but we had to let go. Luckily we found the Rescue Me site and helped us find her a new forever home where she won't be in danger anymore and we don't have to worry that she will be taken away and euthanize. She will be missed but we are happy that she is well and thriving.

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to American Staffordshire Terrier Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Bonnie Lapierre     Date: February 25, 2018 _
     I was so worried Grady would not find a home before his time was up. I posted him on Rescue Me thinking the chances of these large dogs finding a home being a Pitbull, no less, were very slim. Several days went by, nothing. I am in California a man from Montana called me and said he just loved the looks of this dog and once he came back from Florida he planned to move to Vegas where he was closing on a property. He would come to California on his way to Vegas to see if Grady would get a long with his other Pitbull. He did everything he said he would do he did. He came to California in two weeks. His dog Wilbur got a long with Grady just great and off they all went into the Sunset to their new home in Vegas. Without Rescue Me, this may not have happened. Thank you so very much. I will keep trying to place dogs through this site.

Sender: Lisa Goldmen     Date: November 14, 2017 _
     Many of our dogs have been adopted because of the networking done by Rescue Me!

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to American Staffordshire Terrier Rescue

Sender: Shelley Silver     Date: November 13, 2017 _
     Lucian has found a perfect home with a wonderful family! They are willing to keep in touch and have play dates for the pups! I had several very nice people inquire and visit with Lucian! Rescue Me is providing an invaluable service! I was so worried about finding him a good home and you made that possible! Thank you!!!

Sender: Nicole Fletcher     Date: July 22, 2017 _
     Nala has been adopted!!! Thank you, Rescue Me!

Like this story? Help us help more animals: Donate to American Staffordshire Terrier Rescue

Sender: Jennifer Reighard     Date: May 28, 2017 _
     So happy for Monty! He first started his new adventure in a vet clinic for six months while the people abandoned him during boarding. So sad! Then we arranged for him to come stay with us for more interaction. It took him six months to finally be seen, and the family is adoring! He is fitting in well with all the neighbors, their pets and the whole family. He deserves the best... Thank you, Rescue Me!

Sender: Rene Leitelt     Date: May 18, 2017 _
     Found the perfect family for our boy! Thank you, Rescue Me!

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to American Staffordshire Terrier Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Allison E     Date: May 12, 2017 _
     Chyna is home! She is doing well with her training and loves her family. Thank you, Rescue Me!

Sender: Bonnie B     Date: May 12, 2017 _
     Nala found her furever home with a beautiful family. She is doing well and loves her buddy child. Thank you, Rescue Me!

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to American Staffordshire Terrier Rescue

Sender: Sara Crowley     Date: April 28, 2017 _
     Thanks, Rescue Me! Katie was reunited with her family!!

Sender: Brian Glover     Date: March 8, 2017 _
     Miley got a new home through Rescue Me! Thank you for for giving Cowboy a great home, Jamie!

Like this story? Help us help more animals: Donate to American Staffordshire Terrier Rescue

Sender: Freddie Strickland     Date: December 3, 2016 _
     My wife and I had been talking about adopting another pup since our Boxer died about two years ago. We have a very energetic three year old Pitbull who has been needing a little sister with plenty of energy to play. We jumped on Rescue Me and on the second page, we spotted this little cutie. After a few phone calls, emails, and exchanges of basic information, we were able to set up a visit and drove 3 hours after work to meet her after hours at the shelter she was living at. The people we dealt with were extremely helpful and accommodating and Miss Scarlett was a cute little bundle of energy. We adopted her after she played with our other dogs for about 45 minutes. We brought her home and she wasted no time making herself at home. She's a great fit and I couldn't have imagined things working out any easier. A huge thanks to the site and the wonderful ladies from the shelter!

Sender: Shelby Dove     Date: November 23, 2016 _
     Turtle was adopted by a wonderful college student who has a nice quiet townhouse. She is doing well. She now has her own Facebook page, 'Turtle's Amazing Adventure'. 1Thank you, Rescue Me!

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to American Staffordshire Terrier Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Beth Nixon     Date: October 12, 2016 _
     My husband and I saw him, and we contacted the individual who posted him. We found out his name was Thor and got a little bit of his personal history. We got help with transporting him to where are location is and it was worth the wait. But for us, we found another perfect addition to our family. Thor is now an Emotional Support Animal for one of children as well, so he has a purpose. Thor has a wonderful life now. Thank you Rescue Me and the special individual that helped us get him. I will not post your name but if you read this you know who you are. Thank you.

Sender: Nicole Van Looveren     Date: October 9, 2016 _
     Ava was adopted last weekend to a wonderful home. Thank you, Rescue Me!

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to American Staffordshire Terrier Rescue

Sender: Lynda Smith     Date: June 12, 2016 _
     A few hours after I posted LeAnn's information on Rescue Me, I received a call from a family that lives about two hours north of us. We arranged to meet the family (husband, wife and four daughters ranging in age from two months to seven years) at an easy-to-find McDonald's restaurant. LeAnn was so happy to meet her new family, and they were happy with her too. I'm sure those little girls will be able to give two-year-old LeAnn something I couldn't.....Lots of exercise. Thank you for helping LeAnn find what I hope is her forever home.

Sender: Brien D     Date: May 15, 2016 _
     Roxie was abandoned near a dog park as a puppy. Our neighbor found her, and we ended up taking her in. We knew our life was too busy to care for such a young and active dog. So we trained her a bit and socialized her and posted her on Rescue Me where a wonderful couple adopted her to join their other two dogs, including another Staffy. We're so happy that the Rescue Me website exists and helped Roxie find a true doggy paradise.

Like this story? Help us help more animals: Donate to American Staffordshire Terrier Rescue

Sender: Brian Glover     Date: May 6, 2016 _
     Our dog was adopted! Thanks Daniel, Melody and Rescue Me!

Sender: Dubois County Humane Society     Date: January 25, 2016 _
     Mercury came to us after being chained up outside his whole life. He never got to lay in a warm, soft bed or lay on someone's lap feeling a human touch. That all changed last week when a wonderful family fell madly in love with this precious boy, and with tears in their eyes they kept saying we can't believe he's actually ours! They continue to send wonderful pictures of Mercury. He now knows what a warm bed feels like and the love of a family! Thank you, Rescue Me.

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to American Staffordshire Terrier Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Territorio Pittbull Arca De No��%Bd��%Bd%Bd��%Bd��%Bd%Bd Albacete-Spain Territorio Pittbull Arca De No��%Bd��%Bd%Bd��%Bd��%Bd%Bd Albacete Spain     Date: December 28, 2015 _
     Pacheco is now happily adopted. Thanks a lot for your support, Rescue Me.

Sender: Carol Cipollo     Date: December 24, 2015 _
     This is the fourth puppy I've adopted from Rescue Me. They all found great homes, and are very happy they now all have a family.

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to American Staffordshire Terrier Rescue

Sender: Tamra Walker     Date: December 23, 2015 _
     I rescued Molly by buying her from the original owner, she'd been living 90% of her four months of life in a crate and had no access to fresh water or food. She was/is so loving and sweet, training her was a breeze, she's super smart and also potty trained very quickly! She lived with me and my Boxer girl, Aifa, for about four months and I forgot about the post I put on Rescue Me! The only reason I re-homed Molly was due to my finances not being adequate enough to be able to pay for proper medical care for Molly's skin allergies and possible yeast infection or mange. Christian, Molly's new Dad/human, and I have been communicating regularly about Molly's health issues, mentioned above. Christian and his five year old American Bulldog, Willow, and Molly are a happy family that I'm thrilled to say was totally a perfect God shot. We communicate regularly, and he lets me know how she's doing as well as sending me pics and video of her too. I'm so grateful for this site because I don't feel Craig's List, Facebook or local paper ads are safe ways to re- home your furbaby. I plan on donating regularly. It's my New Year's resolution! I will also be more than willing to foster other dogs and help train them and get them healthy like we did for Molly for their forever home. My Boxer also loved meeting, being with and playing with and helping me with two other dogs that needed saving and re-homing, so I think we'll keep trying to help that way too. Thank you for such a safe site to re-home animals!

Sender: Chelsey Sneed     Date: December 3, 2015 _
     Thank you so much, Rescue Me!!! Another one of our loves found his forever home today with a new brother and huge loving family! Odie is being fought over every night on where he is sleeping (lol). We thank you a million times over. We are so very happy Odie, along with all the other pups out there, found their forever home.

Like this story? Help us help more animals: Donate to American Staffordshire Terrier Rescue

Sender: Chelsie Reed     Date: December 3, 2015 _
     Sevin was rescued from a high kill shelter and she has now found her forever home!! She will now be able to be spoiled in every way possible. Her new Daddy loves her to death and they truly made a perfect pair. We pray for more stories like this everywhere! Thank you, Rescue Me.

Sender: Cecilia Prindle     Date: November 28, 2015 _
     We found Gizmo on Rescue Me after the loss of my dog, Shepherd, due to cancer. We weren't sure about how the new dog will fit into our lives, but gave it a try. After the two hour trip, I finally got to meet him in person. It was like love at first sight. As a young dog, we are still working on some behavior issues, but is nothing compared to all the happiness and love that he gives us back. Thank you so much!

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to American Staffordshire Terrier Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Chelsie Reed     Date: November 21, 2015 _
     Thank you so much, Rescue Me, for helping our Felony find her forever home! She was very shy and scared and was overlooked for almost two years! After learning about the Rescue Me site, she was adopted within days! Felony finally deserves her bed that she gets to share with her new forever humans.

Sender: Elena Mcmullen     Date: November 7, 2015 _
     Thank you Rescue Me! Annie was adopted from Diamonds in the Ruff Rescue because a wonderful adopter found her here on Rescue Me. She is fantastic girl and deserves the great home she has now!

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to American Staffordshire Terrier Rescue

Sender: Laura Gurule     Date: October 23, 2015 _
     Thank you Rescue Me for allowing me and my family to find peace of mind and a fantastic new start for Athina after less than two days of posting her urgent situation on your site. A job well done.

Sender: Richard Jennings     Date: September 27, 2015 _
     Thank you for your amazing site. We at Unchained Love can't thank you enough for all you do. Rescue Me gets so many of our babies adopted into fantastic loving homes. Anna has found her forever home.

Like this story? Help us help more animals: Donate to American Staffordshire Terrier Rescue

Sender: Louise Allen     Date: September 15, 2015 _
     We found a very good couple to adopt TJ just a couple days after he was posted on Rescue Me. We have had a couple more inquiries as well. Thank you so much for having your site available.

Sender: Kristen Wolf     Date: August 10, 2015 _
     Mojo is happily in his forever home! Thanks, Rescue Me.

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to American Staffordshire Terrier Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Ruth Williams     Date: August 8, 2015 _
     Dozer came to our shelter heart worm positive and underweight. No one cared enough to look for him. Just three days after being posted on Rescue Me, he was adopted and is now living with people who adore him and will care for him. Thank you so much!

Sender: Jaymie Kapple     Date: July 23, 2015 _
     We adopted Daja. Daja is very happy playing with our two young boys. She loves her runs and playing in the yard. She is sweet and loves any attention that comes her way. We are still working on the potty training. She has been a great addition to our family and we all love her. I am happy I found Rescue Me to be able to find such a wonderful dog.

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to American Staffordshire Terrier Rescue

Sender: Cindy Ropp-Richter     Date: July 7, 2015 _
     Rescue Me helped find a home for UMO with a great family who was 100 miles away. I would have never found them, or they found me, if not for the site. I really appreciate, not being a formal rescue, having this resource available. He went to a great family with three kids who will keep him very busy and new toys, house, beds, treats, awaited him.

Sender: Ashley Ulrich     Date: June 21, 2015 _
     Roxy and Tank found their forever home thanks to Rescue Me! I rescued them from the e-list two months ago and am happy to say that they now will be loved and cared for by a wonderful family!

Like this story? Help us help more animals: Donate to American Staffordshire Terrier Rescue

Sender: Tammy Jennings     Date: May 27, 2015 _
     Hoover has finally gotten his fur ever home. He is happily playing with his little human friends who love him dearly. Thanks, Rescue Me.

Sender: Kris T     Date: April 29, 2015 _
     Through Rescue Me, I did find a home for my baby girl. I went slowly and proceeded carefully to make sure she would be safe. And can breathe a sigh of relief that I found her some place great!

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to American Staffordshire Terrier Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Tammy Jennings     Date: March 26, 2015 _
     Titus has been adopted to a family. His little boy is very happy to have a buddy. Thank you, Rescue Me.

Sender: Kevin Agudelo     Date: March 8, 2015 _
     Thank you, Rescue Me. Bella has found a home. She is surrounded by females that spoil her. She is really happy. If it weren't for Rescue Me, she wouldn't have found a home. It's hard to know that she is gone because when I was living on the streets, she was my only friend, but at least she's happy with a different family and living the good life. Thank you Rescue Me!!!!!!!

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to American Staffordshire Terrier Rescue

Sender: Suzanne Ruehl     Date: January 29, 2015 _
     Sweets has found a home. She is living with four girls in their 20s, who are young and full of energy like her. It's like a house full of puppies. She is happy and getting lots of walks and attention. Her owner is experienced with dogs and Pits and is a nice smart girl who is happy to have her first dog, and is also committed for life. Thank you, Rescue Me.

Sender: Glenda Beatty     Date: January 27, 2015 _
     Thank you, Rescue Me. Rambo has been adopted to a person that is going to use him as a service dog and an example for Pits that are wonderful dogs. Rambo is a great dog and I shall miss him very much.

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Sender: Lourdes Campos     Date: December 7, 2014 _
     My puppies found a home and I am so grateful for sites like this that help us find homes for this sweet puppy. Thank you, Rescue Me!!!

Sender: Kathy Mangum     Date: December 5, 2014 _
     Our family prayed for months for a good dog to come our way! Amazingly, I came across this site and found a wonderful, gentle giant named Wiley! He is about 90 pounds of cuteness! Wiley is fun and a great companion on car rides! Not only do we love him so much, but his previous owners have been staying in touch and have even become our friends! We are so blessed to have found Wiley and have him as part of our family! We could not have asked for a better outcome to our search! Thank you, Rescue Me!

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to American Staffordshire Terrier Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Margaret Stevic     Date: September 21, 2014 _
     Brody was adopted by a very nice young couple that I feel will give him a very good home. Rescue Me was a big help and I would highly recommend their services to anyone!

Sender: Mary Jones-Terrell     Date: September 18, 2014 _
     Thank you, Rescue me! Deon has a new owner and they like each other. Deon's picture was posted free of charge on this site. I gave Deon to a loving family, and they get along great! Jeffrey is young and he is what Deon needs, someone to run, play ball and teach him to swim. They have a Lab for Deon to play with. I am so thankful to God for this family who will give Deon the love and attention he needs.

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to American Staffordshire Terrier Rescue

Sender: Crystal Doll     Date: September 9, 2014 _
     Eli had to be given up because of relocation. Rescue Me helped me find him a great home with a nice family. The best part is I can visit him. I'm able to keep in touch. The family is awesome for letting me do that!

Sender: Maria Wilson     Date: August 27, 2014 _
     I put my two rescues on this site and, within one hour, I was being contacted. I found the most amazing home for these babies and the best part was that they were able to stay together. Thank you, Rescue Me !!! It was the best experience. I was lucky in that the very first contact turned out to be the perfect home for them.

Like this story? Help us help more animals: Donate to American Staffordshire Terrier Rescue

Sender: Kim May     Date: August 10, 2014 _
     Tucker found his forever home on Rescue Me! He's now on a 170 acre ranch with a wonderful woman. She wanted a companion. Boy did she get one! He will follow her to the end of the earth. We are so happy for them. Everyone told me Pit bulls don't get adopted in days, that it takes months. Well, thank you Rescue Me! A miracle then for a lovely pup.

Sender: Kim Kelling     Date: August 5, 2014 _
     Odin found a home! We had Odin for almost a year at the shelter. He suffered from a skin condition that was diagnosed and treated. His skin greatly improved after treatment. In an effort to make him more adoptable, we started a fund in his name. We raised over $800.00 to be used to pay for his medication and passed this money along to his new family. Odin is doing well and sleeps in the bed with his new Dad. He is happy and healthy and has settled into his Forever Home! Thank you, Rescue Me.

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to American Staffordshire Terrier Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Matthew Maddalena     Date: July 16, 2014 _
     I was contacted by a man named Amit, who said simply, 'I would like to adopt your dog.' Luckily he lived close by, so I took Debo to meet the family and see if he was a good fit. Amit and his family took well to Debo, and decided they would like to adopt him. He gave me a tour of his home so I could see that it was a truly suitable place for a dog. Nice man, nice family, and nice neighborhood. I showed him how to walk Debo, and explained some aspects of his personality so they would be clear on how to be a 'Pack leader'. Thankfully, he had a dog before and was accustomed to being the leader. We did not charge for him, we only wanted him to have a good home, and we told Amit that he was welcome to return Debo if for any reason, he decided that their home wasn't right for Debo. So far so good. Rescue Me is a great site and provides a great service. It's nice to see folks interested in helping pets instead of making money on them. Thanks Rescue Me!

Sender: Mackinzie Mcclure     Date: May 30, 2014 _
     Pretty Boy was adopted by a local family and is now living the life of Riley. Thank you, Rescue Me, for your help in aiding in his adoption.

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to American Staffordshire Terrier Rescue

Sender: Linda Mcabee     Date: May 29, 2014 _
     I am very grateful for Rescue Me. I rescued Reagan after she had ruptured the ligaments that held her left rear leg together. Her owners could not afford surgery. I paid for her surgery and all subsequent rehab. Reagan is the sweetest dog I have ever fostered and was well worth the thousands of dollars it cost to repair her. Last week I was contacted by a family who wanted to meet and possibly adopt. I took Reagan to their home and as soon as Reagan saw all the children running around, she started smiling. I had never seen her look so happy. I am so very grateful that she has children. I never realized how badly she wanted to play with kids. Her new Mommy is in touch and gives me pictures and updates. Thank you so much for this fantastic service.

Sender: Terri Raymond     Date: May 27, 2014 _
     Very good week here in rescue land!!! Thanks to this wonderful Rescue Me venue, this little girl found a home!!! Whoo hooo!

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Sender: Terri Raymond     Date: May 27, 2014 _
     Thanks to Rescue Me, I was able to adopt out two of these three pups right away. Still looking for a home for the remaining pup!

Sender: Gloria Bingenheimer     Date: May 4, 2014 _
     Duke was surrendered to me by my neighbor's daughter. If I had gone outside three minutes later, Duke would have been at the local animal control facility. I am not a dog mom; I have cats. I knew I couldn't let this sweet little puppy go to the pound. Duke was handed over with nothing: no collar, no leash, nothing. I went to the store and got him everything he needed and borrowed a kennel from my co-worker, who also felt Duke should not go to the pound. I got the information from her about Rescue Me and posted him immediately. I don't have the capability to take care of a dog, much less a puppy. I got six responses within one hour of posting Duke. I picked his new mom and dad, because they completed their adoption application immediately and all of their references, including the veterinarian they go to, called back with glowing remarks about what type of animal parents they are. The minute they saw Duke they fell in love. They texted me a picture of Duke sleeping soundly on a panda rug. He was finally his forever home.

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to American Staffordshire Terrier Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Andrea Leverton     Date: April 24, 2014 _
     After making contact with every animal rescue organization in Cape Town, we managed to find Tara the perfect home, where she is loved and understood. She has gone to a home where there are no other animals, but there are three kids who absolutely adore her. She bonded with the kids instantly and follows the little girl everywhere! The best thing is that their next door neighbor, who found the home for Tara, is a Staffie/Pitbull specialist! She has been spying over the wall and updates us on her progress. She reckons that this is the perfect home for her and that she is happy, loved, supported and stimulated. Thank you to everyone involved for the love shown to our beautiful Tara.

Sender: Hardin County Shelter     Date: April 22, 2014 _
     Julie was adopted last week after a long stay at the shelter. We are so happy that she finally has a new home.

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to American Staffordshire Terrier Rescue

Sender: Toni Hakenson     Date: March 29, 2014 _
     Brody has found his FOREVER HOME. I just adopted him yesterday. He now has four brothers, two human and one AmStaff (who is currently my Service Dog) and one Sheltie. He fits in perfectly. Has already been on a walk, a bike ride and to PetSmart. Loves everyone and my other two boys. Great temperament and wants to be with me all the time, including bed time. He still has puppy in him. So we will work on having all the right manners. As he matures, he will be trained in agility first, then it will be on to Service Dog Training as he will eventually take over for my current Service Dog. He has the right 'everything' you look for in dog for Service Work. So please, if anyone reads this, if you or someone you know needs a Service Dog or just a pet, consider the Am Staff. They, in my opinion, excel in Service Work and as pets. Extremely intelligent, want to please, are very in tune with people, are very obedient and are the most loving, gentle and silly dogs. I will NEVER have another breed for Service Work or as a pet. Both of mine are Rescues. You don't need to purchase an expensive animal to get a great one. Rescues are better because they are so happy you saved them, they are forever loving and loyal. SO, PLEASE ADOPT AND SAVE A LIFE!!! YOU'LL BE THANKFUL YOU DID.

Sender: Annette Evans     Date: March 25, 2014 _
     Being a rescue, we have found that Rescue Me has quality adopters seeking their best friends. Excited to meet their future pet, they are elated when they are chosen as the family for one of our precious lives! Thank you so much for the site, the quality families and the happy endings for our dogs!

Like this story? Help us help more animals: Donate to American Staffordshire Terrier Rescue

Sender: Rosemary Leone     Date: March 18, 2014 _
     Bailey came into our lives around Christmas last year when we started fostering her from the local animal shelter. Bailey is one of those dogs that has a big personality and is scary smart - she basically house broke herself just by seeing what the other dogs did! We got permission from the shelter to find Bailey a forever home. Last week we got a call from a young family who found Bailey on Rescue Me! and wanted to meet her. It was love at first 'meet' for them - Bailey is now a running buddy for Mom, a fetch buddy for Dad, a companion to grow up with their son, and a playmate for their other dog. While we were sad to see Bailey leave our home, she is now in her new home.

Sender: Mary Tuel-Gillam     Date: March 9, 2014 _
     Stella was adopted by a great couple that spends 24/7 with her. She is a truckers dog and sees the country and gets so much attention! She has a job too, she protects her owners truck on the few times they are not in the truck. She has a great life with lots of love.

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to American Staffordshire Terrier Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Jody Davis     Date: March 6, 2014 _
     Amazing Zita found her forever home! She loves her new family and they adore her! She sleeps with her two legged siblings, enjoys long walks twice a day, has a fenced in yard, tons of toys, and most of all, a family to call her very own. Thank you to all who have shared and cared and thank you to Rescue Me! for allowing her to be posted and networked on your site.

Sender: Liz Cruz     Date: February 16, 2014 _
     In the beginning, I was a bit leery of posting Sailor online, but to my surprise, Rescue Me! was a VERY easy and quick process. Within a day, Sailor was sought out by a family, and two days later he was sought out again by another family... This family was in constant communication and continued to reassure me that Sailor would be well loved and cared for. I am 100% sure that Sailor will now be in a home that is better fitting for him, and will be able to go on long walks and have a mommy who will give him full attention. He will be able to grow up with another puppy and the family's son. Thank you, Rescue Me!, for allowing us to be able to re-home with reassurance.

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to American Staffordshire Terrier Rescue

Sender: Okfflas Organization     Date: February 9, 2014 _
     Cleopatra has been adopted! A wonderful new home on 5 acres with an invisible fence. She will be the only pet in a home that has a history of long lived dogs of over 13 years each. She is now living inside this new spacious home and riding around in passenger seat with her new best friend.

Sender: Korneil Williams     Date: December 23, 2013 _
     Rescue Me helped me to find a new home for my Nino. It was a bitter sweet moment because I had him for nine years, he was a great companion for me and I couldn't bear the thought of a shelter putting down such a great dog. I had so many replies within minutes after posting I had to take a deep breath. I want to thank Rescue Me! for existing, and helping me and many others find homes for our pets who would other wise be euthanized. Thank you, Korneil

Like this story? Help us help more animals: Donate to American Staffordshire Terrier Rescue

Sender: Sarah Titsch     Date: December 19, 2013 _
     Saya has a great home now, she is happy and her new family loves her.

Sender: Lisa Dimambro     Date: November 21, 2013 _
     Good Morning! I have had Trouble the Staffordshire Terrier for almost a week now. He is super silly, happy, and fun - loves toys and hiking. Seems he has certainly accepted me as his new human, I'm getting kisses and happy tail wags when I get home from work. Thank you, Rescue Me! You've made me and Trouble happy! Lisa

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to American Staffordshire Terrier Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Cherry Clifford     Date: November 20, 2013 _
     We are so thankful that there are sites like this, and thrilled that Rescue Me! is free. The new forever home includes a twelve year old little boy who had recently moved from another state and was having trouble adjusting. The parents wanted to get him a playmate to help ease the social pressure. They have experience with training, and wanted a four year old dog. Zoe fit the bill perfectly. Thank you, Rescue Me!

Sender: Kris Wasemiller     Date: November 8, 2013 _
     Bear was adopted locally by a nice lady that can give him all the attention he needs. He also now has an adopted sister. He will thrive in his new environment thanks to Rescue Me!

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to American Staffordshire Terrier Rescue

Sender: Brittney Horton     Date: October 22, 2013 _
     This sweet girl found a good home with the help of Rescue Me! She is now living the high life complete with her very own bedroom.

Sender: Jennifer Nedvidek     Date: August 30, 2013 _
     I was very pleased I could post a puppy I rescued to save her, and find the best home possible for her. I have two dogs and just wanted to save her from terrible things happening to her. Rescue Me! was exactly what I needed since I am not a rescue myself. I got a lot of response on the puppy and found her a perfect match. Thank you very much.

Like this story? Help us help more animals: Donate to American Staffordshire Terrier Rescue

Sender: Michael Mortimer     Date: August 13, 2013 _
     We are very happy about his new home, and think this will surely be a great fit for his new family. My wife and I are also very grateful to have found your program. We are still getting inquiries. I would be very interested in becoming a sponsor through my business. Thank you again.

Sender: Tamara Flowers     Date: July 28, 2013 _
     A nice family came today and took him home, and also one other of my dogs that needed a home. I am so happy that they found a loving home. They also said they well keep in contact with me, so I will know how they are doing. I miss them so much but I know that they are in good hands. Thank you so much.

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to American Staffordshire Terrier Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Pat Bonham     Date: July 25, 2013 _
     Hi Jeff, Valentine was adopted into a lovely home. I get great adopters from your Rescue Me! site, and have had really good results. Thank you so very much. Pat Bonham, Alpha Dog Pet Rescue

Sender: Jim Wahl     Date: June 9, 2013 _
     We were able to find our Staffordshire Terrier a loving home. Thanks, Jim

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to American Staffordshire Terrier Rescue

Sender: Kayla Adkins     Date: May 29, 2013 _
     She did find a home! Kayla Adkins

Sender: Jennifer Williams     Date: April 21, 2013 _
     Benny has been homeless since November 2011, spending the last 8 months alone in kennel. With the help of Rescue Me! and Facebook, he has found his furever family! He will be going to a fantastic family in Beloit, Wisconsin and will have his own 6-year old little boy to play with! Thanks for all you do to help save our babies!

Like this story? Help us help more animals: Donate to American Staffordshire Terrier Rescue

Sender: Al Mcmillan     Date: April 7, 2013 _
     The brown pup in the Photo got an awesome home! Her new family was down in Florida on vacation, and is taking her all the way back to Connecticut! Thanks, Rescue Me!

Sender: Delia Mclinden     Date: April 6, 2013 _
     Leo is an absolutely amazing pit bull that was saved from death row hours before he was scheduled to be killed. He is sweet, friendly, cuddly, athletic and loves all people, dogs and kids. It took a few months to find him the perfect home, but he is there now thanks to Rescue Me! I couldn't have handpicked a better home for him! Leo's Foster Mom

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to American Staffordshire Terrier Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Teri Perry     Date: April 2, 2013 _
     Zeus was adopted by a retired couple who have fallen in love with him... he walks on the leash for them... he plays fetch with their 8 year old grandson... when family and church members visit he entertains them... he sleeps in his crate at night and will take a nap in it during the day... he does chase the cats, but his new mom and dad are working with him on that and he is getting better at resisting that urge but the kitten likes to torment and that is sometimes just too much for Zeus to resist... best of all he loves sleeping as close as he can get to his new mom and dad, usually on their feet while they watch TV.

Sender: Jennifer Buuck     Date: March 12, 2013 _
     Blue was adopted by an Army veteran who is transitioning back into civilian life after ten years of service. It took a couple of months to find the right home for her, but this seems like a great fit for both of them.

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to American Staffordshire Terrier Rescue

Sender: Megan Flaherty     Date: March 2, 2013 _
     My name is Patti, I owned this dog. Megan was helping me by posting his picture. He got a new home today thanks to Rescue Me. I got a pacemaker so it was hard for me to take care of him because I have to be careful. But now he has two pretty little girls to play with and he loves to play. Thank You so much, Patti

Sender: Mel Murray     Date: March 1, 2013 _
     A wonderful rescue has helped Nikki. She is now living at a canine training academy and has a wonderful life.

Like this story? Help us help more animals: Donate to American Staffordshire Terrier Rescue

Sender: Melinda Smith     Date: January 26, 2013 _
     Mona Lisa had a pretty tough start to her life. Rescued from a notorious Animal Control facility, many people worked together to move her out of that system and find her a new life. She had been extensively bred and had also been used as a bait dog in a dog fight ring. We worked very hard with her and she ended up being fostered in my home... She had been networked extensively, but Staffordshire Terriers can be difficult to place. Within a month of posting her on Rescue Me! - I received a telephone call from a wonderful young man who loves this breed and had been searching for one. His ex-wife kept his last dog and he missed that dog so desperately. He came to meet her, and it was love at first sight!! Mona is a special girl, and this was terribly difficult for me after fostering her - but she needed a one-dog home with someone who could dedicate time for her training and walking and give her all the one-on-one attention she deserves. I am thrilled with the process - and with the help of Rescue Me! - Miss Mona Lisa is smiling her big smile all the way to her new home.

Sender: Raleigh Smith     Date: January 24, 2013 _
     My heart does leap for joy because of the adoption of lovely Lyla! Lyla was at our shelter for too long. And everyone passed her by because she had pit in her... We don't do DNA but suggested she was part pit and border mix. She had the soul and spirit or the Great American Shelter Dog! Finally a young family from Portland saw her, and she was the one. I did warn of her killer tail of happiness. I am so happy to say that Lyla departed the depot of the Josephine County Animal Shelter on the 'Hero Train' today... Destination: Portland, Oregon. Sound the Horns, blow the whistles, hail the conductor, she is home for ever! Thank you Rescue Me... my heart is crying with joy!

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to American Staffordshire Terrier Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Amy Pasquinelli     Date: January 12, 2013 _
     Hi Jeff, my name is Amy and I just wanted to thank you for creating this web site. I am currently fostering a sweet red nose pitbull and her puppies. They were rescued from some pretty miserable conditions. I found 4 of them their furever homes through all my wonderful close friends on facebook. I have found myself running out of options to rehome all of the rest of the pups. I was told about your web page and immediatley posted. With in the first week of calls I met with a wonderful couple who have other large breed dogs. They came and picked her up today to go to her new home. I know they will have her for the rest of her life. I am so grateful that I am able to feel comfortable in knowing that your organization helped her get there. Thank you so much!!! Sincerely, Amy :)

Sender: Mea Aguiram     Date: January 8, 2013 _
     I received a few interested replies but the best story to Kaiser is that I was able to keep him after all. It is nice to know that Rescue Me! is such a great tool where animal lovers can come and look to see if they can rescue an animal.

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to American Staffordshire Terrier Rescue

Sender: Maurica Daniels     Date: November 18, 2012 _
     Success!!! Buddy was adopted today by a loving couple with 2 children near the Austin area. I'm sure he was a little scared at first when he was taken out of his comfort zone, inside the house with his siblings, to meet the family but then once he acclimated to his surroundings and got comfortable with them, he was much better. He was giving kisses in no time and receptive to the children too. He and his brother Doc were both adopted by the family as a pair. Buddy, his brother Doc, and New Master along with the family will have lots of new adventures ahead. First thing is they get a new sister dog, Tinkerbell, to meet and show them the ropes!!! Thank you Jeff Gold for putting Rescue together to help place these wonderful animals who are so mistreated and misunderstood! I already miss those 2 little love sponges but I know with out a doubt that they are in a wonderful home and loving family and strong master who will give them lots of positive training, direction, affection and all the exercise they need and crave. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!

Sender: Teresa Meyer     Date: September 14, 2012 _
     I put Lady on RescueMe.Org and she belonged to the Humane Society of McCormick. I received an email from a woman in Columbia, SC. Met with her and Lady(know known as Balee) has a very loving home. I really appreciate what you do.

Like this story? Help us help more animals: Donate to American Staffordshire Terrier Rescue

Sender: Ara Stewart     Date: September 10, 2012 _
     I received word on Tuesday night that Cane was scheduled to be put down on Thursday morning. I posted his picture and story on Rescue Me and received several calls throughout the day. Cane was adopted on Wednesday to a good home thanks to the site! This sweet boy found his forever home with the opportunity to play and be the center of someone's world.

Sender: Winnie Paul     Date: July 4, 2012 _
     Sable has a new home at last!! In late May we got a call about Sable and took her to meet her new family and their dog Buddy. The family, Tom and Laurie, had adopted Buddy less than a year before but he came with anxiety issues and an escape routine. Buddy seemed to want to leave his yard to go visit other dogs instead of bonding fully with his new family. And then came Sable, in the hopes she would ground Buddy more and stop his running away problem. Well, the idea was a big hit. Buddy and Sable have become fast friends and Buddy has settled down a lot and has not run away even once since he got his new sister. Sable bonded quickly to Tom, who couldn't be happier about that. Buddy seemed to bond with Laurie more and so now each dog has it's own snuggle buddy for time spent on the couch :) Sable is well adjusted to her new home and Tom and Laurie, and especially Buddy, all love her. Her former family miss her a lot but are happy to know she is in her element and getting lots of attention and pampering. Sable is a great watchdog too. And in mid July Sable and Buddy will be staying with Sable's former family for a week while their parents go on vacation. Free dog sitting was part of the arrangement and it will give Buddy a chance to socialize with other dogs and just learn to have more fun and hopefully less anxiety about strangers and new places. Everyone is so happy Sable has a wonderful new family!!

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to American Staffordshire Terrier Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Shavonta Fleming     Date: July 3, 2012 _
     Monkey found her forever home with a family in Cary just before Memorial Day. She now lives with Yvonne and her 4 kids and gets LOTS of attention. They adore her and she knows it. Monkey was rehomed because she wanted to be the center of attention in a 6 dog home and didn't share well. Now she is 'the center of the universe' and is very happy about her new home. One look at her funny face confirms that :) Her former owner has visited her since she was rehomed and it is clear that Monkey has found her place in this wide world. She plays all day and has already demonstrated to her new family that she is an excellent watch dog. All the kids in her new home adore here and even let Monkey sleep with the youngest child as they have become great friends. Monkey's prayers were answered in this family who find Monkey to be a great addition to their family. Deepest thanks to 'Rescue Me' for helping find this great family for Monkey!!! Her former family miss her funny face but seeing her happy and getting to hog all the attention of not 1 but 5 people is a joy :) God Bless!!

Sender: Christian Phelps     Date: May 28, 2012 _
     Apollo found his new forever family in North Carolina by searching us and finding this sweet boy! He is really enjoying his new family and is doing well in his new neighborhood! He is the talk of the neighborhood of how well mannered and stuff he is..... He is such a wonderful boy and deserved the best.... Thanks so much for all who made this possible!

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to American Staffordshire Terrier Rescue

Sender: Aleta Meeks     Date: May 24, 2012 _
     It was just a miracle! On the day we were going to have to let Tanner go, I checked my emails and there was one, only one. That family came for him the very next day and was so very kind. They are giving him a new life, a new world to explore and I so thank them very much.

Rescue Me! has posted thousands of other stories in our breed-specific blogs from people whose animals we have helped:


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